My daughter, Haylee Kate, was diagnosed with APML Leukemia, which is a rare form, on November 21, 2011 at 8 years old. I thought this would be a good way for me to get my thoughts and feelings out and to let others know about her ups and downs throughout her treatment.

December 22, 2011

12/22/11 - She hasn't lost her attitude!

Another long night, but Haylee slept well (once she went to bed after midnight!).  She was awake because her and I have no schedule in place except when she gets meds.  She gave me tons of attitude and I told her she's back to 9pm bedtime tonight.  Once I hooked her up at 12am, I told her if she was still awake when I went in to flush her lines that she would be grounded!  She was snoring at 2am :)  I woke her up for her AM pills around 7:45am and she stayed up (cause I told her she had to).  I had to change her line caps today...I was super nervous because last time I changed her caps she ended up with a fever the next day so needless to say, I'm watching her like a hawk! 
Kim came over today to visit with us.  She wrote the kids Santa letter for me so I don't have to worry about it.  Haylee was in a really good mood.  Her and Kim's relationship is like an aunt and niece.  Kim spoils her, plays with her, and jokes with her.  She was still full of attitude and that's the way Haylee is from time to time.  Is it cause she's a girl or because she's 8?  Maybe both?? 
We picked up Mason from school and I told Haylee she could come inside as long as she kept her mask on and sat in Ms. Cyndi's office. Cyndi spoiled her with chocolate!  What Cyndi doesn't realize is that she's made a new friend in Haylee because of it :)  She saw some of her friends there but I told them they could wave but no hugs.  I gotta keep an invisible bubble around her.  She understands and is ok with it.  She took a letter she wrote and a mask to our next door neighbor's house (her BFF, Savannah) so that when they get to play, Savannah has her own mask like Haylee's.  She's super excited for next week when she can play with her!!
Mason is all jacked up because it's Christmas and he's showing his little butt big time!  Him and Haylee fought for about the first hour after we came home...ah, sibling love.  I think I've missed it :)
Haylee ate really good at dinner unlike Mason.  Mason's problem is his age, Haylee's is her tastes have changed.  I'll take what I can get from both of them. 

It's been a pretty uneventful day and I'm just fine with that :)


  1. Bug I loved our day together! I love you so much! Next time I come I will have to bring Sky she will need her own mask also.

  2. You can't steal my thunder Kim..... I get my own day when I am home!! ;) Ash

  3. So in other words in was just a regular day. LOL Happy to hear it actually!! Glad it was a pretty uneventful day! Love you bunches!!
    Stephy :)

  4. love it!! and trust me... being 8 has a lot to do with it... i have one that is 8 and 10 and they are FULL OF ATTITUDE!!! you are not alone there! so glad to hear you had an almost "normal" day... still praying for you both. love you! :)

  5. Ryane, Lilia told me what your are going through so I wanted to let you know we are thinking of you and have Haylee in our prayers. I admire Haylee's and your bravery and am so glad she is home for Christmas. ~Amy Kotula (Jack's mom). (I hope you remember us! :) )
