My daughter, Haylee Kate, was diagnosed with APML Leukemia, which is a rare form, on November 21, 2011 at 8 years old. I thought this would be a good way for me to get my thoughts and feelings out and to let others know about her ups and downs throughout her treatment.

December 5, 2011

11/29/11 - Finally, the MRI.

Haylee had her MRI today, finally.  They wanted to still get the MRI just to make sure no bleeding was going on and everything was still good.  She went down around 12:30pm and got her Versaed (giggly juice) and got set up for the MRI.  She had general anesthesia since she couldn't handle the sedation last time.  When she got out at 3pm, she was out until 7pm.  They had to wake her up to take her morning ATRA pills and she was ANGRY!  She was yelling at me and swung at me and everything!  After the nurse left and she went back to sleep, I went in the bathroom and cried.  I know it's not something she can help and it's not her but I didn't know what to do.  I just have to keep thinking, "I can do this.  Don't let her reactions get to you.  She's sick and is handling it the best she can."

On Monday, they took her off of the antibiotic (Fortaz) she had been getting since she was doing so well.

WBC - 1760
Platelets - 81,000
Hemoglobin - 8.4

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