My daughter, Haylee Kate, was diagnosed with APML Leukemia, which is a rare form, on November 21, 2011 at 8 years old. I thought this would be a good way for me to get my thoughts and feelings out and to let others know about her ups and downs throughout her treatment.

December 19, 2011

12/19/11 - There's magic in the air

Benadryl Coma (haha!)
Haylee slept through the entire night - she didn't get up once!  I, however, can't say that.  She had meds during the night and our night nurse was not on her game because it seemed like her machines were beeping all...night...long. 
Haylee had to have a 30 minute wake up call from her day nurse, Stephanie.  Like previous posts have said, she's known to be very grumpy when she has to wake up when she's not ready!  She did good with her morning meds and went back to sleep shortly after getting Benadryl to have Vancomycin antibiotics.  She tells the nurses every time how much she hates taking the Benadryl because she gets angry and very sleepy with it.  It's something she just has to deal with unfortunately. 
She woke up from her Benadryl coma around 10:30am.  Her PawPaw came to visit for a few hours and Adam came by and brought her a McDonald's kids meal (which she ate every bit of).  She enjoyed the visit - she was laughing and giggling with PawPaw and Adam most of their time here. We walked Adam down when he had to leave and then swung by the vending machine so she could get some M&M's.  On our way back to the room, we passed one of the moms of a boy she kinda made friends with while being here.  They get to go home tomorrow!  Soooo happy for them :) :) 
We hung out in the room for a few hours after they left before going downstairs to a magic show.  She had to have more Benadryl hooked up to get ready for more antibiotics (the Vancomycin is every 8 hours).  The nurse ran it over 30 minutes to give her time to see most of the magic show before she got really sleepy.  She made it the entire hour but was pretty much dragging her feet back upstairs.  I asked her if she wanted something to eat but she said no that she was tired.  I took her back upstairs then went to get myself some dinner and picked her up some pizza for dinner.  Since she started her treatment, her tastes have changed.  She won't eat some of the things she used to eat like macaroni & cheese, PB & J, eggs, pancakes....she only wants pizza, chocolate ice cream, and apple juice.  I've read that can happen - I hoped she would want more healthy choices!  I guess I should take what I can get because before too long she won't want to eat anything at all. 
Baths and a little Beauty and the Beast on Disney later on! :)

Side note:  The case manager in charge of linking us to the home health company called me during the magic show.  They have been told that Haylee will be going home on IV antibiotics and that a nurse will be out tomorrow morning at 8am to show me how to hook up and administer the antibiotics.  That's a good sign that she will be sent home in the next day or two.  Let's just hope I can keep her out long enough to actually enjoy being at home! 

WBC - 2280
Platelets - 291,000 (huge jump from yesterday and back in the normal range!)
HGB - 10.7
SEG - 10
Monocytes - 4

Counts ARE recovering - slowly but surely!


  1. Hoping antibiotics are doing their job so u guys will be home soon! So glad Haylee is eating! Love u guys! Kimberly

  2. Hope you get home soon!!! At least for Christmas! Prayers are coming your way! I love you guys so much!! ~Stephy~

  3. YAY!!! Awesome Job Haylee!!! More prayers are heading your way!! Talor cannot wait to see Haylee!! Love yall!!
