My daughter, Haylee Kate, was diagnosed with APML Leukemia, which is a rare form, on November 21, 2011 at 8 years old. I thought this would be a good way for me to get my thoughts and feelings out and to let others know about her ups and downs throughout her treatment.

December 11, 2011

12/10/11 - I guess I spoke too soon...

**Note:  I go home on Friday nights for the weekend so that I can spend some time with Mason.  My mom, Nonna, does us a huge favor and gives up her weekends to stay with Haylee at the hospital (and we are forever grateful!).  Since I started the blog, my mom decided that she would keep a journal of her time here so I could keep up with all the information. (Thanks Mom!)  A lot of the blogs will be in her words :)

Friday afternoon into the evening, Haylee had to get 2 bags of blood because her hemoglobin had dropped below 8.  When she was halfway thru her 2nd bag, she began to have a reaction - rash, face swelling, and high blood pressure.  They stopped the blood and gave her some Benadryl. 
Haylee slept very restlessly Friday night.  Her blood pressure has the staff puzzled.  Sometimes getting a transfusion can make the blood pressure go up so she was given Lasxics to reduce any fluid she was retaining and boy does that stuff work!  Up and down, up and down to the potty all night. 
She has had a headache since 2am.  The doctors came in and wants to run another CT scan on her head to make sure everything is OK (this was the 2nd day in a row she has had a headache).  She had the test done with no meds and did GREAT!  They are sending a renal doctor in to come and look at her to see if her kidneys are functioning properly.  She went down to have an ultrasound done of her kidneys.  She did awesome!  She got platelets today even though those counts actually came up on her own. 
Since the doctors are concerned with her blood pressure, they started her on a daily BP pill.  She was drinking a carton of chocolate milk when the nurse came in the give her the pill.  It was so small she didn't know whether she swallowed it or it down the straw into her milk!  Ha ha!
We went down to the lobby to the the Happy Tails Therapy Dogs.  There were 4 Golden Retrievers, a Maltese, and another big white dog.  We came back to the room to get money for a candy bar from the gift shop as well as a slushie.  She ordered spaghetti for dinner but fell asleep before she could eat it.  Once she got up, she ate a little (but she ate some!).

CT scan came back normal :)

Since all this is happening, this will probably delay her getting to go home this weekend. 

WBC - 2580
Platelets - 15,000 (up on their own from 12,000 which has NEVER happened!)
Hemoglobin - 11.1
SEG - 2
Monocytes - 4

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