My daughter, Haylee Kate, was diagnosed with APML Leukemia, which is a rare form, on November 21, 2011 at 8 years old. I thought this would be a good way for me to get my thoughts and feelings out and to let others know about her ups and downs throughout her treatment.

December 2, 2011

11/23/11 - She had a good day!

It was looking like she was going to stay grumpy and angry all day, but after a morphine induced rest, we convinced her to stay out of bed and sit in a chair next to the bed!  She was hooked up to different machines and her lines where coming out everywhere but she made the best of it.  She watched some TV, she laughed and joked with us, and enjoyed being up. 
We began to talk to her about why she was in the hospital and what exactly her diagnosis meant including how the medicine could make her sick, hair loss, etc..  She understood and took it very well :)  She had a CT scan done on Tuesday to see if she had any bleeding on the brain.  They wanted an MRI on her but she wasn't responding well to the sedation (her oxygen level kept dropping).  She also had platelets given since they dropped to 50.  She was given her 2nd round of chemo during the night as well. 

WBC - 105,000; 91,000; 69,000
Platelets - 58,000; 51,000; 50,000; 95,000

(In the pictures you'll notice how her face looks swollen - it's from the IV fluids because she wouldn't eat or drink.  At this point, she had nothing to eat or drink since Sunday night when she had a handful of goldfish and some Gatorade at the immediate care center.)

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