My daughter, Haylee Kate, was diagnosed with APML Leukemia, which is a rare form, on November 21, 2011 at 8 years old. I thought this would be a good way for me to get my thoughts and feelings out and to let others know about her ups and downs throughout her treatment.

December 13, 2011

12/13/11 - WE'RE HOME!!

Riding shotgun on the road home!
The doctors came in early this morning to tell us we were going home today!  Her counts look good (although still low) and she's been doing so well!  She had to finish her last round of antibiotics and we were out the door (after we loaded up 5 tons of stuff that Haylee had in her room!). 
We were discharged around 12:00 but had to go to the CVS in Emory Village to have her prescriptions filled.  What a pain!  The hospital faxed over the scripts (8 of them...) but they only received blank pages.  They gave Adam a hard time dropping them off and told him if would be a few hours!  Really?!  I went in and showed them the most important 3 of the 8 and asked them how long it would take.  The girl behind the counter rudely said 15-20 minutes.  Haylee wanted a hamburger from McDonalds so we went, grabbed some lunch, then went back to get it.  It was ready, thank goodness.  We were tired of being down there and was ready to be on the road to home! 
We unloaded the 5 tons of stuff then went to pick up Mason.  Everyone was so excited to see Haylee!!!  She was a little overwhelmed cause she's not used to that kind of attention.  She handled it well and I was equally glad to see everyone :)  We grabbed Mason and went home.  I thought he might have something to say when he saw Haylee without her hat and her head shaved, but he didn't even notice!  Talk about a brother who loves his sister no matter what!!  We had to point it out to him and then he said, "She looks like a boy."  Ha ha!  He said the same thing to Kim when she shaved her head.   It didn't bother Haylee and Mason doesn't see that she has no hair...sweet :)
My dad called to talk to Haylee and AGAIN asked her if she wanted him to shave his head like hers.  She said, "No" and was VERY adamant about it.  She told him she thought he looked good with his hair.  I asked if she would be mad if he shaved it anyway and she said she would be very mad.  Enough said!
Dinner time came around and she wasn't very hungry but she did eat a little.  I'm fine with her not eating as long as she's drinking (she's had 3 juice HUGS since she's been home - that's a huge improvement from the hospital).  She complained a little from her neck hurting (we think she slept on it wrong) and just gave her Tylenol to help. 

She's done with the Induction phase as of the 21st.  She has a clinic visit on the 22nd, then another bone marrow aspiration the week after Christmas to check for remission (fingers crossed!).  She will begin the Consolidation 1 phase after the New Year and it lasts 10 weeks (Monday-Friday clinic visits for 2 hours each time).  Sometime at the end of February or beginning of March she will be re-admitted to the hospital for the Consolidation 2-4 phases.  That will be a few months :(

Whitney, a good friend of mine, passed along something she found and I thought I'd share (at the bottom of this post).  The meaning of the words hit very close to home for us.  Thanks Whit!!

Thank you to EVERYONE for your continued love, prayers, and support for Haylee!!!  We're so glad to be home!

WBC - 2780
Platelets - 65,000
HGB - 10.8
SEG - 8
Monocytes - 3
You never know how STRONG you are until being STRONG is the only choice you have. 


  1. So happy she is home!! I bet sleeping in her own bed is going to be so nice!! No beeping machines and no one waking her up!!! LOL!! I bet your dad is kinda glad she said no lol I know he loves his hair!! :) Love ya bunches!!! ~ Stephy~

  2. Yay!!! So happy you guys are all home!!

  3. This is the BEST post that I could have read today!!!!! So happy that you are all home together. I bet everyone was thrilled to she Haylee's smiling face. Keep up all of the hard work and positive attitude. Alexis and Carson ask about Haylee daily and will be so excited when I tell them she is home. Wish we could give her a big hug. Send one from us across the miles. Will she have to stay in the hospital for those couple of months during her treatment, or will it be outpatient? Thoughts and prayers are with all of you.

  4. I'm so glad you are home! There have been so many prayers for you all, and they will continue! I hate that I missed you today, but hope to see you and Haylee soon. Enjoy your night back home as a family. I look forward to reading more about your journey. Continue to stay strong. You both are amazing! I love you girls.
    Kelly C.

  5. YAYAYAYAYAY!! I have been on cloud 9 all day! So happy that you and Haylee could come home today. You enjoy this time together with each other. Happy Dance... Happy Dance... Happy Dance!!!!! :) :) :)

  6. Hey Ryane! This is the first I'm hearing about the blog, I will be following it religiously! I just went through and read every post so far, and I love hearing about her journey! What a strong little girl! I want you to know that I am praying hard for beautiful Haylee! If there is anything I can do, just let me know! I would absolutely love to help in any way! I love you, and I love Haylee!

  7. Yah!!!! I'm so happy for yall!!!! I can only imagine how happy u, & Adam are to have your family back at home!!! All of yall under one little roof!!!! Best news I've heard in weeks!!! I love yall!!

    Leslie & Savannah

  8. Yeah that is the best news I have heard in a while. Sky and I are so excited to come play with the bug at home! Ya'll are going to have such a awesome Christmas! Coy told me to tell you that he is thinking of ya'll and he sends all his good vibes and thoughts your way. Love ya'll and see you and talk to you soon! Whitney is so right my mom has been telling me the whole time that good spirits mean everything and take you so far.

  9. What GREAT news!! Soooo happy y'all are home!! Love and prayers continue and will always come your way!! Hugs and Kisses!!! Aunt Sherry and Uncle Jay

  10. I'm so happy she is home!! And you are stronger than you know my love!!! So is Miss Haylee!!!! Give her our love and always know thoughts, prayers, and love are coming your way!! Love you, Jamie
