My daughter, Haylee Kate, was diagnosed with APML Leukemia, which is a rare form, on November 21, 2011 at 8 years old. I thought this would be a good way for me to get my thoughts and feelings out and to let others know about her ups and downs throughout her treatment.

February 28, 2012

2/28/12 - HOMEBOUND!!!

Haylee and I came home today!! 

Haylee's blood culture from Sunday came back absolutely negative this morning!  They scheduled her to have the PICC line put in her arm today, but we had no idea when.  The ICU floors are first and then everyone else.  She was able to go to school and after it was over, our nurse was on her way to get us because they were getting ready to get started. 
They used an ultrasound to find her veins then put the EMLA cream on to help numb her skin.  Just with that process, she was freaking out.  The doctors decided to give her IV Versed to help her out instead of Versed by mouth (IV works faster and better!).  Danielle from CL came and stayed with her and played games with her to help her relax.  When it came time to put it in, I left.  Danielle, the PICC nurses, her nurse (Brittany), and the charge nurse (Leah) were with her.  It took about 30 minutes and everyone said she did great :) 
An X-RAY had to be taken to make sure it was placed right and it turned out it was too far up so the PICC nurses had to come in and pull it down.  Haylee did well with it and didn't even cry!  I think having Danielle in there for that helped, too. 
Brittany started her on her arsenic in the IV in her hand before they came to fix the PICC line to move things along faster.  The site started to bleed a little and soaked the dressing some, but we were told that it wasn't soaked enough to change it and they would let Maggie know that it'll need changing tomorrow.  Clinic is still on as scheduled for the rest of the week and through the end of the arsenic phase.
We left out of there about 5:30pm.  Haylee's feeling great!!!  We're so glad to be home :) :) :)