My daughter, Haylee Kate, was diagnosed with APML Leukemia, which is a rare form, on November 21, 2011 at 8 years old. I thought this would be a good way for me to get my thoughts and feelings out and to let others know about her ups and downs throughout her treatment.

February 27, 2012

2/27/12 - Flashes of Hope was the highlight of our day

Haylee and I were bored today...again.  The days are the same...meds, blood draws, waiting, sitting, doctor visits, meds, waiting, sitting, walking around, playroom time, meds, waiting, sitting....
Adam came by for breakfast around 9:30am but didn't get to see Haylee very long since she had school this morning at 10am.  I went down at 11:30am to scoop her up and take her to get her picture made by Flashes of Hope (free for children with cancer and their families).  I wasn't expecting to be pushed into the pictures but it was fun for the both of us.  I had her dress in her pink shirt and tutu for the cute!!  I should get the album of all the shots they took of us together and her by herself in about a month. 
After the pictures, we headed back upstairs for lunch.  Haylee headed off to the playroom for a few hours (off and on) and I dozed on the couch/bed for those few hours.  We didn't have much else to do.  Haylee made a friend on the floor; a boy name Sal.  They are the same age and like playing board games in the playroom. 
The 'Leap Year Art Party' was at 4:30pm so Haylee went down with Brittany from CL and a few kids from the floor.  I can only handle so much art stuff and she needed something to do.  She was gone until about 5:30pm.  We had dinner, she FINALLY got hooked up to her arsenic, went straight to antibiotics, and now we're just hanging out watching Disney Channel. 

Brit, the day nurse, said that the doctors decided that Haylee would have the PICC line inserted tomorrow sometime (hopefully in the morning!).  She's pretty nervous about it since she won't be put to sleep, just on Versed.  Brittany from CL came by to talk to her more about the process and her fears.  Haylee would listen to some of what she was saying and then shut her out from the rest.  She ended up crying some when Brittany left because she was scared regardless of what Brittany and I were saying.  I tried talking to her more but she wasn't hearing it.  I told her I would leave her alone and if she wanted to talk more about it, we would.  She never brought it up again, but later, she said she was only 10% scared of tomorrow.  I guess she had to deal with it her own way.  We'll see how she feels about it in the morning. 
Since she got her arsenic so late, she won't be able to get it until around 2pm tomorrow at the earliest.  We'll just have to hope that all the discharge paperwork is done and we will be ready to walk out the door as soon as it's done; that way we can treat it like a late clinic appointment!

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