My daughter, Haylee Kate, was diagnosed with APML Leukemia, which is a rare form, on November 21, 2011 at 8 years old. I thought this would be a good way for me to get my thoughts and feelings out and to let others know about her ups and downs throughout her treatment.

February 22, 2012

2/22/12 - An unexpected re-admission

We all got up this morning and got ready for a normal day at infusion.  We dropped by Haylee's school, picked up the books she left and went to drop Mason off at school.  We went in the center, said our goodbyes to Mason, and got back in the car. 
As we were getting in, my phone was ringing and it was from Aflac Outpatient Clinic...I figured this couldn't be good.  The nurse on the phone asked if the ER department had been in touch with us.  When I said no, she informed me that at least 1 of Haylee's blood cultures came back positive for bacteria and that we should pack a bag since they would probably admit us to the hospital.  I let them know that we were about to head that way and to please let Maggie know we would be late since we needed to go home and get some things together.
We arrived in clinic around 11:15.  Maggie pulled up the results and it turns out, she has bacteria in BOTH lines.  They went ahead and started her on 2 antibiotics to go ahead and start killing the bugs in her lines.  One of the doctors came by and let us know they would have word from pathology in a few days the specific type of bacteria it is and what meds they need to give her to kill it. They decided she would need to stay for sure and moved us to a room around 3pm. She will have to have 3 negative cultures in a row to be able to go home.  That won't happen for at least a few days - my guess is Sunday would be the earliest.  Her counts are good (normal WBC and ANC), she's acting fine, and she hasn't had a fever since last night.  I could be surprised.
Haylee developed more of a sensitivity to the Vancomycin today.  They had given her 40mg Benadryl and 325mg Tylenol as part of the pre-med necessary for her to take it last time (which knocks her out cold and makes her ill as a hornet when she wakes up.  I told her to be mad all she wants and she'll get glad in the same pair of shoes!).  Maggie was told to run the Vanc thru 1 line for an hour and the other line for the last hour.  She was almost done with the first hour and said her head started 'stinging' so Maggie paused it and had a doctor check her out.  They decided to finish the first hour and slow down the Vanc even more for the last hour.  When it was almost done, her feet started itching real bad so they stopped it altogether.  They are consulting with Pharmacy to see what they can give her instead.  They found a different combination of antibiotics they are going to try.  Its the same kind of coverage, but works for kids with a Vancomycin sensitivity.  She shouldn't have to be pre-med either...Whoo Hoo!! 
Per orders, she's been hooked up to IV fluids.  She's gonna be up all night having to go potty and she'll probably stop drinking since she's getting it from that big bag! 

I wish I was more like Haylee in the way she handles this.  When I told her she would have to be re-admitted today, she was like "ugh, ok then" and that was it.  I, on the other hand, was crying most of the car ride down and almost the entire 3 1/2 hours we were in clinic.  I keep trying to figure out what could've  happened and where she could've got the bacteria from.  I hate for her to have to be back in but I know its what she has to do.  Apparently, she's come to terms with it more than me.  She was chugging along so good and now that she's started up this 2nd arsenic phase, it's been something.  Maybe that's my problem.  Like my dad says, it's just one of those bumps in the road.  Doesn't mean I have to like it or be OK with it.  It's just something we have to do. 

1 comment:

  1. Just remember to breath! I told u already its ok to be mad too! It all sucks! But ur strong...where do u think miss thang gets it from?!?! I love u guys! Saying and sending prayers! Love, stephy
