My daughter, Haylee Kate, was diagnosed with APML Leukemia, which is a rare form, on November 21, 2011 at 8 years old. I thought this would be a good way for me to get my thoughts and feelings out and to let others know about her ups and downs throughout her treatment.

June 11, 2012

6/8-6/10/12 - Weekend #1...Done!


Haylee had her last dose of AR-C this morning and the very last bit of chemo (Idarubicin) today at 4pm!!!  No more chemo!  YAY!  We're in day 4 of the last admission and she seems to be doing great so far.  She gets nauseous in the mornings but it's to be expected with the chemo.  Hopefully, that will subside after a few days.  The doctors came in this afternoon and they want to start her on a different antifungal than what she was on last admission (due to the possibility it was what caused the rash).  The one they want to put her on could cause a few different side effects that I'm not too comfortable with.  Dr. Abdella was supposed to get in touch with Infectious Disease and find out from them what could be their other options.  Haylee would only have to be on IV antifungal until the ATRA is finished, which would be either 6/20 or 6/21, because most antifungals interact with the ATRA.  She would start on Vori (an oral antifungal that she does great with) on 6/20 or 6/21.  I'm sure I'll have a 20 questions conversation with whoever comes in on Monday to discuss the antifungal with me - poor doctor....
Haylee playing a game at the carnival

Playing 'Ladderball'

Getting her shoulder painted

A butterfly, of course!

Today in the garden, the hospital was hosting a 'Caribbean Carnival' of sorts.  They had games set up in grass such as 'Ladderball', frisbie, a game like 'horseshoes', ring toss, etc.   There were tables set up for arts and crafts, bracelet and necklace making, 'fishing', and a table with a sack lunch courtesy of one of the local sub shops nearby.  Haylee woke up feeling nauseous this morning and after about an hour (and convincing her to eat an applesauce to ease her stomach), I was able to convince her to go downstairs for the carnival.  She wasn't too chipper but she made the most of it.  We went back upstairs so that she could get some real food in her to ease her nausea.  She ate grits...the sub sandwich wasn't appealing to her. 
Visiting with the greyhounds
After lunch and a little rest time for, we went back downstairs to see the retired greyhound dogs.  I've never been here for their visits.  They are super tall with tiny little faces.  They were all such sweet dogs.  Visits with them are so short because they don't do anything except allow the kids to pet them, but Haylee really enjoys it.  She has such a heart for animals - she wants to be a vet when she grows up :)

Visiting with the greyhounds

This lady gave Haylee a tag that she could go online with a look at more pictures of this particular dog.  It had a hole at the top of it, so we put it on her 'Beads of Courage' string.

Haylee didn't want to go downstairs and to the art stuff later in the evening.  We decided to just hang out upstairs and wait for Nonna (which she showed up an hour early and that was a nice surprise!).  I went home to be with my men and left Haylee and Nonna to have fun together!


Haylee was a little nauseous this morning.  Nonna and Haylee went to the garden to play with their gigantic bubble wands and walk laps.  She wanted to go back upstairs and rest but she had to have an ICEE first! 

Around 3, Haylee and Nonna went downstairs to see the therapy dogs.  Again, not a whole lot to do with them, but Haylee likes it.  They each come with their own 'trading cards' with little tidbits about each dog.  Our favorite is Sally, the golden retreiver, but she's in high demand and we don't see her as much as we'd like.

Haylee with Daisy, the Maltipoo

Visiting with another therapy dog

After visiting with the dogs, Haylee and Nonna did more laps in the garden.  She's got to get her walking out!  They didn't really do much else today - pretty much entertained themselves. 
The doctors visited - no changes to be made as Haylee is doing and looking good.  Counts started being checked today and compared to Tuesday, are going down nicely :)

Tuesday's Counts                                            Saturday's Counts
WBC - 8460                                                    WBC - 2960
HGB - 12.5                                                      HGB - 10.8
Platelets - 211k                                                 Platelets - 167k
SEGs - 70                                                         SEGs - 73
ANC - 5920                                                     ANC - 1960

We really keep an eye on her ANC and SEGs because once they disappear, that's what they look for her to get back so she can go home!  The HGB and platelet counts just determine if she's going to have to have a transfusion.  Anything under 8 for HGB and/or 10k for platelets mean she has to have a transfusion of that particular blood product.  Sometimes it's both, sometimes just one.  Last admission, it was just platelets one time. 


Haylee had a rough night.  Nonna said that Haylee kept fighting with the night nurse when she would come in to take vitals.  She also fought against the eye drops at 4am, as well.  I can't say I blame her.  I would be mad too, but it all has to be done.  Because of all the disturbances, she slept in :)
They went down to the library today to kill some time and for a change of scenery.  There was another art party going on downstairs, but she didn't wanna go.  I got back around 4pm and Haylee was sleeping.  Nonna went back home and we just chilled out.  She got her last dose of eye drops at 4:30pm (yay!).   A volunteer came by to take her to the playroom for some board game time.  She likes that :)  Sometimes, its nice to play with someone other than Mommy.  We Skyped with Adam and Mason, watched TV, and she went to bed. 

Sunday's Counts
WBC - 1480
HGB - 9.9
Platelets - 147k
ANC - 580
SEGs - 39

Her counts dropped quickly overnight!  The faster they fall, the quicker they can come back up! 

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