My daughter, Haylee Kate, was diagnosed with APML Leukemia, which is a rare form, on November 21, 2011 at 8 years old. I thought this would be a good way for me to get my thoughts and feelings out and to let others know about her ups and downs throughout her treatment.

April 23, 2012

Flashes of Hope Pictures :)

Please pass along or promote through Facebook, Twitter, or to anyone who would be interested the link for Haylee's YouCaring site!  Thanks again!

These pictures were taken at the end of February when Haylee was admitted with fever and positive blood cultures.  I was NOT supposed to be in these pictures but the photographers conned me!!  They turned out really well, regardless!  My baby's beautiful :)  Enjoy!!

Sassy Pants!

Sitting pretty

She was kinda squishing my neck - haha!

Even though her IV line was just dangling there, I still love this picture!

One of my favs!

Love my baby!

Another fav!

Love, love, love this picture!

Again, love this!


  1. I love love love these! Beautiful! Hope u guys get to come home soon for a bit! Love u bunches! Stephy, Todd and Jordan

  2. Love these pictures!!! Precious! Love, Michelle W.

  3. Love Love Love these pics and you two!!! They are ALL good!!! Hugs and kisses!! Aunt Sherry

  4. Haylee these pictures are BEAUTIFUL!!! You are just the most spectacular young lady!!! And Ryane I am soo glad the photographer convinced you to get in these! They are great!!! We love you all so very much!! Love and prayers!!!

  5. LOVE these!! I stole a couple... I hope you don't mind! Enjoy your time at home... :) LOVE YOU!
