My daughter, Haylee Kate, was diagnosed with APML Leukemia, which is a rare form, on November 21, 2011 at 8 years old. I thought this would be a good way for me to get my thoughts and feelings out and to let others know about her ups and downs throughout her treatment.

April 25, 2012

4/25/12 - WE'RE HOME!! (for a week anyway!)

We came home today!!  It's only for a week but a weeks a week!  Haylee's counts are still down but they are recovering nicely.  She was a little nauseous this morning but it passed.  She ate breakfast and felt a little better.  The sores in her mouth are getting a little worse but don't seem to be bothering her as much as they did last time around.  She's got a little bit of the mucousitis going on and her lips are!  Comes with the chemo territory.  Her counts coming up will help everything get back to normal.
Colleen came in just before rounds and told us that her discharge papers were signed and ready to go whenever we were!!  I packed up most everything last night but was afraid to take some of it down to the car in case something happened.  I got everything down to the car this morning, signed the discharge papers, grabbed Haylee, and off we went!!  We made it home around 1:30pm. 
Haylee's scheduled to go back inpatient on May 1.  She has a clinic appointment at 8am for a bone marrow aspiration and spinal chemo injection.  After she wakes up and gets around, they will move us back over to the inpatient side.  Hopefully, the port accessing for all this will go okay.  Maggie will be there....maybe that will help! 

There may not be a lot going on with the blog but check back from time to time...I'll post updates on our time at home!!  Glad to be back!

Tuesday's counts:

WBC - 1870
HGB - 9.8
Platelets - 212k
ANC - 40
SEGs - 2
Monos - 28
Lymphs - 67