My daughter, Haylee Kate, was diagnosed with APML Leukemia, which is a rare form, on November 21, 2011 at 8 years old. I thought this would be a good way for me to get my thoughts and feelings out and to let others know about her ups and downs throughout her treatment.

April 12, 2012

4/11-4/12/12 - A little time apart

Wednesday, April 11

At the "Pat and David" musical performance in the playroom
We had a MUCH better day on Wednesday.  I guess the combination of the close quarters, boredom, and the simple (but awesome) fact that Haylee's feeling good can really make us crabby.  I say that her feeling good is part of it because she feels fine, looks fine, acts fine and we still have to be here....waiting and waiting for counts to drop and then recover.  That's why it's such a long process. 
We both slept until about 9:30 Wednesday morning.  I woke her up (again!) and she hung out in the room watching TV until about 11:30.  I let her go play in the playroom for a little bit but she doesn't like to be out long because she hates wearing the mask.  It's not because of the mask itself; it's because when she breathes some of it comes up through the top of the mask and it fogs up her glasses.  She didn't have that problem during our first admission so this is all new to her.  Haylee headed off to school around 12:30 until 2pm.  She's doing really well keeping up with her work.  I hope she's not behind at all when she starts school next year.   She's extremely bright, cute as a button, and has an infectious laugh that usually wins people over.  I'm sure she'll do just fine!
Haylee came back to have a late lunch then headed to the playroom for a musical performance by "Pat and David" (not sure who they were but they were entertaining and sang songs by request for the kids on our floor).  They did all their songs acoustic - guitar only.  They were funny, played good songs, and they kids enjoyed them.  We left them to their songs after "Living on a Prayer".  She was tired of wearing the mask.  Nonna showed up about 6:30 to relieve us (haha!).  She's off work Thursday because she has to work Saturday so I get to go home tonight until tomorrow afternoon.  I'll stay here Friday night and go home Saturday afternoon then come back here Sunday afternoon.  It's only like this every 3rd week, thank goodness!  I can't complain - my mom is doing me a HUGE favor just by staying down here at all and I can't thank her enough :) :) :)
I'm not sure where I put her counts for today but they have come down some from yesterday.  Her ANC dropped below 1000.  We really want that! 

Thursday, April 12

I'm not sure who the girl on the left is, but Erica Nicole is in the middle and Haylee Kate is on the right!
Today wasn't much different from yesterday, according to Nonna.  Haylee's been sooo bored!  She just kinda does her own thing.  We play with her, too, but we just aren't the same as kids her own age.
I got back to the hospital around 3:30 to find Nonna and Haylee at The Voice with Danielle and Lindsay.  They were downstairs meeting Erica Nicole, a country singer (I've never heard of her).  We got a few t-shirts and some CDs.  I haven't listened to it yet, but hopefully it's pretty good. 
Nonna left around 4pm and Adam's mom and aunt came for a surprise visit around 4:45.  We visited with them for about an hour, gave them a quick tour of the garden, said our goodbyes in the lobby, and then went to BINGO.  Haylee looks forward to Thursday nights because of BINGO!  She "won" a tickler worm, a leopard stuffed animal, and the game 'Kerplunk'.  We played it a few times.  She started talking smack about how she was gonna win and lost everytime.  We had a good laugh about it! 
CURE provided dinner for the families and staff on the floor - it was Chik-Fil-A tonight.  They are too sweet to do that for us.  We had baths, played on the tablet, Skyped with Daddy and Mason, and all in all had a really good night together.  We laughed and acted a little silly - she loved it :)

Today's counts:

WBC - 2560 (still normal)
HGB - 12 (I do remember that's higher from yesterday)
Platelets - 106K (lower!)
ANC - 1050 (yesterday was 720)
SEGs - 41 (lower!)

All of the numbers are still in the normal range.  Since the ANC is above 1000, it's considered normal (low, but normal).  Her platelets and SEGs are the only things continuing to drop.  Say a prayer they start to drop fast and recover even faster! :)

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