My daughter, Haylee Kate, was diagnosed with APML Leukemia, which is a rare form, on November 21, 2011 at 8 years old. I thought this would be a good way for me to get my thoughts and feelings out and to let others know about her ups and downs throughout her treatment.

April 16, 2012

4/14/12 (evening) - 4/15/12 - Sleepy days and rashy nights

Saturday, April 14 (evening)

The GA State University Marching Band

After getting her port re-accessed and recovering from the Versed, Nonna showed up for the rest of the weekend.  Haylee went to the playroom and played with the girl next door to us (she responded to Haylee's 'Get Well' card she made earlier).  The Emory students were in the lobby for  a musical performance.  The students were outstanding. They had no musical instruments; all the sounds were made with their voices.  At 5pm, the GA State University Marching Band played in the garden.  The band director's girlfriend played with Haylee in the grass.  She showed her how to whistle with a blade of grass.  Haylee thought that was the coolest thing!  She wanted to be able to take her mask off and try it, but with her counts being so low, she couldn't. 

WBC - 1860
HGB - 11.9
Platelets - 28K
ANC - 240
SEGs - 11

Sunday, April 15

Haylee woke up with a bit of a rash today...more like she was 'pink' all over.  Amy, the nurse, said they would monitor her and pass it along during rounds.  She also woke up with her port area having bled some under the dressing during the night.  Having checked her counts, they went ahead and gave her platelets, hoping that would help keep it from bleeding underneath in the future.
Haylee and Nonna baked chocolate chip cookies for the patients and families.  The entire AFLAC floor smelled good!  Haylee took some room to room  and then left some in the family room.  She also left a plate for the nurses and staff in their break room.  The staff plate was gone rather quickly! 
She got 2 units of platelets after cookie making.  Nonna made sure they pre-med her (Benadryl) for them since she reacts to blood products (even though she's never reacted to platelets before).  After the first unit, they noticed she turned really red so they gave her another dose of Benadryl and she slept from 2:30-7pm.  Celeste, her night nurse, changed her port dressing again.  She did really well with it!
I noticed while she was sleeping that she was developing a pinpoint looking rash on her face, ears, arms, on her chest, and on the back of her neck (mainly upper body area).  We went through the usual questions...laundry detergent change?  Soap or lotion change?...but no, nothing we could think of.  Nonna said on Saturday night she was rolling in the grass so we wondered if it was just that, since her counts are down and anything could be affecting her at this point.  They're still going to monitor her and the rash but it doesn't seem to bother her.  It bothers me!  I made her go to bed at 11pm or she would've been up all night long since she slept all afternoon. 

WBC - 2140
HGB - 11.2
Platelets - 17K
ANC - 90
SEGs - 3


1 comment:

  1. Rashes are no fun!! I'm glad it's not bothering her. I have been thinking about you today (as usual) and look forward to seeing how her day went. Love you and praying for you... :)
