My daughter, Haylee Kate, was diagnosed with APML Leukemia, which is a rare form, on November 21, 2011 at 8 years old. I thought this would be a good way for me to get my thoughts and feelings out and to let others know about her ups and downs throughout her treatment.

December 28, 2011

12/27/11 - Rainy days and good friends :)

It was a rainy and cold day so Haylee and I slept in, although I got up before she did and did some housework.  Once we both got up and around we went to the grocery store, which I haven't done in over a month!  It was well needed - our food supply was running out.  Haylee was a chatterbox the entire time at Kroger.  Finally, I had to tell her to "shush" and that she talked to much.  Haha!  I made her wear her mask for the first half of the trip but allowed her to take it off since the store wasn't busy. 
Adam took her to Gamestop and let her spend her giftcard she got for Christmas and trade in a few of her games.  She was so excited cause she was able to get 2 games she wanted and still had trade-in left.  Our next door neighbor is Haylee's best friend (Savannah) and her mom called to see if the girls could play.  Haylee was so excited when I agreed.  She had not seen or talked to Savannah in over a month.  She was missing Savannah!  They both had to wear masks since they would be in close quarters with each other and neither of them minded (they were just happy to see each other, I think!). 
My friend, Ashley, came by for a visit and to see the kids since she's visiting from Arizona.  It was so great to see her and catch up.  I'll be so glad when she comes back in May. 
Haylee hasn't been sleeping soundly for the past few nights.  Last night, she didn't fall asleep until after 11pm and kicked Adam out of our bed as well.  Tonight, she didn't fall asleep until between 10:30-11pm.  I don't know what's going on with her!! 

Clinic appointment in the AM!


  1. Hi Rayne-- Let me introduce myself, my name is Tess Watts, I work at Packaging Specialties in the Arkansas location. Just wanted to say we are all thinking and praying for Haylee. Just call us her Arkansas Posse! :)

    Glad to see her doing and looking so well! And you are amazing too!

  2. I loved spending time with ya'll! It made my day, especially seeing Haylee Kate smiling! :) I miss you and will be home SOON!
