My daughter, Haylee Kate, was diagnosed with APML Leukemia, which is a rare form, on November 21, 2011 at 8 years old. I thought this would be a good way for me to get my thoughts and feelings out and to let others know about her ups and downs throughout her treatment.

December 24, 2011

12/24/11 - Christmas Eve!

I'll be so glad when the Vancomycin is done!  I'm so tired!  Tomorrow is the last day of it and then, I'm sleeping in on Monday!!! Mason was looking shaggy so I took him to have his hair cut before Donna, the home health nurse, arrived to help me with Haylee's line dressing change.  It has to be changed once a week.  I was taught in the hospital using their supplies and I know the general idea and safety precautions but I wanted a nurse to come by and watch me in case I screwed something up (or before I got to that point!).  She said I did great :)  That made me feel good, like I really CAN do this!  Haylee did awesome keeping herself under control while I did it.  She always screams when I take the dressing off but for some reason, this time didn't hurt her.  She has sensitive skin so the Chloraprep chemical used to clean the area irritates her skin and it burns.  Donna gave me a different kind of dressing to use specially for sensitive skin.   In the mean time, she put an icepack on the site and dealt with it.  Big girl :)
We went to my parents house for Christmas Eve dinner - Pizza Hut!  We opened presents from my parents at their house.   They were so excited opening everything.  Mason is at that age where he's super excited about every present he opens and Haylee is at the age where that excitement is gone.  All we get is a smile from her. 
When we got home, Adam re-shaved Haylee's hair.  The Child Life Specialist that cut it at the hospital did the best she could, but she wasn't a beautician.  She had some uneven spots so we figured it would be easier to fix it so it could grow in right.  After the haircut and baths, Haylee wrote her and Mason's letter to Santa while Mason and I set out Santa's munchies - meat lover's pizza, chocolate chip cookies, and milk.  Yummy!!

1 comment:

  1. Wow y'all really did get one of each... Haylee looking like her momma nd Mason just like his daddy lol Love you guys! Merry Christmas! SO happy that Haylee was able to be home! Maybe sooner or later we can come visit. Jordan is still sick :( Sending lots of love!!!
