My daughter, Haylee Kate, was diagnosed with APML Leukemia, which is a rare form, on November 21, 2011 at 8 years old. I thought this would be a good way for me to get my thoughts and feelings out and to let others know about her ups and downs throughout her treatment.

February 26, 2012

2/26/12 - Sunday with Superheroes

Haylee and Nonna walked around the garden and went to the gift shop.  Her and I hardly ever go to the gift shop!  I guess that's what Nonnas are for :)  They came in this morning to draw blood cultures that were supposed to be drawn last night.  Leah said there must have been a miscommunication on their end so it wasn't done until today.  That pushed possible negative results back about 12 hours.  All of her blood cultures except 1 have came back positive for Baccillus (and all of them were done before the line was pulled) .  Thursday's culture came back negative. 
I came back to the hospital today.  Leah told us that Haylee wouldn't go home with the IV in her hand but possibly with a PICC line in her arm.  It's pretty much the same thing as the central line except it goes in on the inside of the arm right around the elbow, up the vein, and into a main vein in the heart as shown below:

It can be inserted bedside or in a procedure room and it's not considered a surgery.  She wouldn't even be put to sleep - just given Versed.  The alternative is to stick her everyday and well, let's face's not an alternative.  I should know by tomorrow what the plan is.  I'm all for the PICC line.  It seems easy enough and so much better than the alternative. 
We went downstairs to the Superhero Art Party.  It was cute for the kids.  Haylee could've cared less about the Superheroes.  She was just bored and wanted something to do.  Mason would've been in pure heaven with Spiderman and Batman!  She was given a tutu and loved wearing it!  She looked super cute :)  Danielle, one of the CL Specialists, came by and updated her on her Beads of Courage.  She has ran out of room on her current string and is starting to fill up the bag.  Right now, the strung beads are hanging from her pole as well as the beads bag and a bug - all for decoration.  We decorate what we can around here.  When she comes back inpatient for a few weeks, we'll decorate the room again!
After dinner, she went to the playroom for a little while and played in their with a boy from the floor and a volunteer.  She's relaxing now and winding down for bed.  She's got alot of winding down to do cause she's been bouncing off the walls :)

"Optimism is the foundation of courage." - Nicholas Murray Butler

1 comment:

  1. Hope she gets to come home soon. :) love you guys! Stephy
